After launching your mobile optimized website, you need to make more improvements in relation to user satisfaction.
Below are a couple of tips to ensure a better browsing experience for your customers.
Stop the Frustration
Remove unnecessary extra windows from all mobile user-agents. This includes, JavaScript pop-ups that are difficult to close, overlays that ask users to download apps and survey requests.
Provide appropriate device functionality. Remove features that aren’t available on a user’s device such as Adobe Flash for iOS or Android versions 4.1 and higher. Tablet users can be served with the desktop version instead of the mobile phone version but better if they have a tablet interface. Also allow users to view the desktop version of the page regardless of the device they are using.
Correct the pages with high traffic and poor-user experience. Check pages for abnormally high bounce rates. Also note of pages where users click to change to a full desktop experience, this means that they desire more functionality on that page. Remember to keep speeding up slow loading pages too.
Optimize Workflow
Know your site’s user process. Determine their common workflow and check they most popular onsite search terms. You can also conduct user studies and survey from participants.
Improve user workflow for customer retention. Run through top tasks commonly used by visitors to check for places to improve user-experience. Follow usability best practices, e.g., legible font sizes. Minimize interaction, number of clicks or scrolls, to finish tasks.
Think of new ways to provide more value for your visitors. Keep in mind to build for mobile behavior. Location services will play an importance factor here. Make use of a smartphones GPS, camera and accelerometer. Mobile devices are social devices, as such, increase sharing or social behavior for your website. The size and touch factor of these devices open up intuitive and fun functionality with actions like swiping, shaking or tapping.
For ACP’s mobile services, click here.
Categories: OthersWebsite Development