Work – Life Balance. Professional Growth. Staff Welfare. Healthy and fun working environment. While some may call these “wish lists”, at ACP we call this “commitment”.
ACP offers its employees vast opportunities and staff welfare programmes that help them grow their professional career and their own self as well.
Below are some of the employees feedback.
I must admit that I have learnt learned to be more opened minded in my way of handling difficult situations. I do strongly believe that one should always look at the positive side and learn to move on.
My motivation in life is to work at your best and strive towards to achievement of your determined goal. You do not need to seek affirmation and recognition for your efforts as there would definitely be people around whom will appreciate you. I am driven to work for a cause and not for applause.
The experiences gained from training the students as well as the training I received from ACP’s sponsored courses have definitely make me a more confident person.
I am confident that I will be able to continue to make positive contribution at ACP. It has been a fruitful experience!
-Khairunnisa; ICT Executive
It has been heart-warming to see the students at North Vista Secondary putting my training tips and tricks into good use. The experience is indeed beyond description…..
Students do have an impressionable mind. Thus, I have learnt to be an even more self-conscious person as I do want to bring positive impact to the younger generation.
It is indeed interesting to work in a school environment. There is always constant interaction with teachers and students. The exchange of ideas and pointers towards technology is fulfilling. Never underestimate our young kids! I must say my career at ACP is a rewarding one!– Fauzi; ICT Executive
Being in ACP, I have definitely improved my programming skills and acquired new applications’ knowledge like Moodle and Joomla!. In addition, I have also progressed in my multi-tasking ability. My job motivates me to “Keep Moving Forward”!
Everyone is constantly challenged by new issues. Nevertheless, I do not believe in not exploring out of your comfort zone. Yes, one may fail at times; however, one should always be ready to pick oneself up from failure. Be strong and believe in yourself. You will achieve what you conceive.
At ACP, I am constantly challenged with new programming issues. At times, it is indeed frustrating that the problems never seem to be resolved. It can be tiring and discouraging. However, I do remind myself to keep moving forward, to engage the future!
– Bianca; PHP Developer
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