Learning Management System (LMS) or e-Learning is a web-based technology used for the administration, implementation and assessment of a specific learning process through education or training courses.

E-learning is becoming more and more vital in the education system today. It is very helpful for both the students and the educators. It enables students and teachers to exchange and share knowledge in a single platform. It allows the students to get access to educational resources and training materials anytime as long as they have Internet connection. Furthermore, this also helps educators to create learning modules and assess their students’ performance easily.
Most of learning management systems has some basic similarities. However, educators must look for LMS that is designed to meet unique needs and specific requirement of their students’ ability to understand a lesson. Here are some of the important features to look for in acquiring LMS:
Customisable – Students have a different learning ability that is why it is important to have customisable LMS. This will allow educators to create different lessons according to the abilities and learning needs of students through a rich source of education materials and lesson builder.
Collaborative – LMS should be a platform where students and teachers can connect, exchange knowledge and learn from an extensive resource of educational materials. This kind of LMS will make learning more interactive and supportive for both the students and teachers.
Outstanding Resource Partners – Effective learning management system should have relevant and rich source of educational materials. This will allow the students to do more comprehensive outputs for their assignments and other school tasks.
Social Media Integrated – This will support discussion and conversation among students and as well as educators. In addition, it will make learning more convenient and efficient because updates and/or reminders can be posted through the social media platform of the schools.
Excellent Tools – It is very essential that LMS is supported with the best-in-class tools which include standard open source tools, customised developments and powerful third party plug-ins. This will give you an intensive set of configurable features for your LMS.
Reliable Connectivity – Since LMS is an online learning management system, users need a reliable connection so that they will not be interrupted. A steadfast connectivity will allow learners to have efficient and reliable learning experience.
These are only some of the important features in a learning management system. To know more about the benefits ofLMS and ACP’s best-in-class e-Learning platform today, click here.

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