Are you mobile ready?

Tablets are becoming more popular among consumers than smartphones when it comes to online shopping. According to the 2013 E-Commerce Index from Rakuten Singapore, tablet usage has grown 41.9% whereas smartphones has grown only 9.7%. This shows that the purchasing habit of customers are changing and is more inclined with Read more…

What are the must-have features of LMS?

Learning Management System (LMS) or e-Learning is a web-based technology used for the administration, implementation and assessment of a specific learning process through education or training courses. E-learning is becoming more and more vital in the education system today. It is very helpful for both the students and the educators. It Read more…

ACP achieves Microsoft Silver Hosting Competency

ACP, the leading LMS and ICT solutions provider today, achieved a Silver Hosting Competency in Microsoft Partner Network, demonstrating its excellent ability to meet Microsoft customers’ evolving needs in today’s dynamic business environment. To earn a Microsoft silver competency, partners must successfully demonstrate expertise through rigorous exams, concluding in Microsoft Read more…

Prep up for the new school year

The first school term for 2015 is about to start in 2nd  January . For some of the students, this may seem a bit overwhelming. Getting back to school after vacation can bring mixed emotions towards the students – sadness over the end of the break, excitement for reconnecting with Read more…