Without in-person trainers, online learning makes it difficult for you to ensure your learners are really WHO THEY ARE.
This is why we need to increase trust in eLearning with FACIAL AUTHENTICATION.
Here are simple reasons why it is important to ensure your learners are really who they are:
1) Identity spoofing leads to MILLION dollars of revenue loss.
2) Non-competent learners lead to a drop in productivity.
3) To protect all your online data and properties!
Have you authenticate your leaners?
Join us for part 3 of High Tea Tech Talk II on June 25 3PM (SGT) for our upcoming webinar to know more about why you should ensure your learners are really who they are!
Limited seats available so hurry sign up!
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/HHyF8c7KEzAdbo1V7
#HighTeaTechTalk #LMS #FacialAuthentication #webinar #livewebinar #virtualevents #biometric #LOOP #ACP