Back in the day, lessons were presented using “technologies” that included an overhead projector and a chalkboard. This process worked during that time and was seen as an optimal solution already.
Today, your physical presence isn’t needed anymore to teach o train. We can be on opposite ends of the globe and still engage in face-to-face learning via video chat. Note taking has become irrelevant too since teachers can upload their lessons for the learners to download whenever they want to.
At a glance, it seems that e-learning has made the learning process so much easier today but in reality, is this actually the case? The answer is both yes and no.
E-learning definitely has its advantages. For example, an online learning management system can allow easier and faster communication with the learners. Not only does it allow real-time adding of new contents, it can also remove as well. Deleting outdated materials can ensure that all learners get the same content wherever they are.
Communicative learning is also improved if learning via great distance. They can discuss via online noticeboards and forums.
However, e-learning can only teach you so far. One example of learning outcomes that cannot be achieved through online learning is skills-based training. You can watch heap of line video about painting and know the theory of it inside-out, but until you actually physically train in the skill, you’re unlikely to be a competent painter. E-learning activities can only make up part of the skill based experience.
E-learning is an invaluable tool in today’s technological age but it is not sufficient. Actual hands-on experience is still needed in order to fully complete the learning experience.
5 benefits you should know about LOOP LMS
What is a Learning Management System? A Learning Management System (LMS) manages the learning process of an organisation through eLearning content development. Essentially, it is a system through which institutions deliver eLearning content to learners. Read more…