Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram are just some of the popular social networking sites available today. In Singapore, we have 4 million internet users and 74% of it uses social media regularly. Mobile phones and tablets made it easier for the people to access their online accounts anytime and anywhere. Through this, we can say that social media is already part of our daily lives.
How do you use your social media accounts? Do you use it to share your thoughts, post photos and videos of your activities, connect with your friends or to be updated? There is a lot of information shared through social media sites. With all of this information, how often do we take time to share positivity? Sharing positivity can help us build a happy and more productive environment. Here are some simple ways to spread positivity:
Inspire others by posting motivational quotes and stories which are relatable to your friends. This will help you  and your friends start or end the day on a positive note. Being inspired can help you to be more productive and efficient in your daily tasks or activities. It will help you express yourself better and be more confident.
 Appreciate  il_570xN.430706571_jrpx
A little complement won’t hurt. Write sincere and good comments to your friend’s post. Appreciating others will make them feel better about themselves. It will encourage them to do better. In this way, you will be able to keep good connection with them. Aside from appreciating others through comments, you should never forget to appreciate yourself as well. Share your accomplishments even how small or big it is.
055208d5aa078f4503d3a1a1f6e87c9c Say no to negativity
Never let negative comments ruin your day. Sometimes we receive negative comments in our posts or blogs. Don’t take it seriously, just ignore it or better yet take it as a constructive criticism. Look on the brighter side of it. You may consider this for the improvement of your future posts.
With the great influence of social media today, some misuses it to bash or bully others. Always think about the feelings of others. Before clicking on the send button, think about what will be the effect of your post or comment to others. As responsible social media users, we should practice these simple ways in spreading the positivity. What will we get in return? We’ll have a better outlook in life that can help us get through the day.

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