ACP’s Cybersphere is an adaptable LMS that uses Moodle as core. With customized developments and rich third-party plug-ins to provide more than enough feature set for organisations. This is the perfect solution to sustain and grow their learning programs.
CyberSphere redefines the way we elearn by providing a platform where students and teachers connect, exchange knowledge and grow from rich and extensive educational material resources.
Below are the features and benefits of this LMS that will help us elearn.
Differentiated Learning 
Customize lessons according to the abilities and learning needs of the students through a rich source of educational material and the SCORM lesson builder.
Change Management
Experience smooth and hassle-free transfer of learning materials to CyberSphere from your existing Learning Management System.
Best of Breed Partners
Pedagogy and technology experts ensure that you receive relevant educational resources as well as efficient and quality services.
Social and Collaborative Environment
Collaborative features and social media integrated tools support discussion and conversation which makes learning more convenient and efficient 
Best-in-Class Tools
CyberSphere Academy uses standard open source tools, customized developments and powerful third-party plug-ins to provide an intensive set of configurable features.
Reliable Connectivity
SingTel’s robust cloud computing environment is utilized to guarantee reliable connectivity with scalable infrastructure that promotes efficiency and reliability.
Partnership with Singtel
ACP’s proven track record has been verified with Singtel’s participation in our e-learning drive with CyberSphere Academy.
If you’re interested in ACP’s Cybersphere services, click here to inquire.